The good news is ...

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It was a good day for climate change advocacy on Wednesday when President Biden went all out on fighting climate change with many executive orders that will put his administration at the forefront of the battle. We can relax a little now, right? No, we can't. And here's why. This administration is a friend of the movement and will be a big mover while shaking up the status quo for sure. But as much as we need that friend, he and his administration are going to need us. They will require us to keep moving ahead to change hearts and minds into saving this planet. It will take an ambitious and well thought out turn around to stop destroying the earth and learn to live with it in harmony. It would be so much better to bring more of our fellow citizens of this world on board with the idea rather than have to pull them into a better future kicking and screaming. We don't have time to play a back-and-forth game with this thing. Executive orders are nice. Good legislation from Congress will be better and far more effective in giving us lasting solutions. There is only so much the President can do from his position. More will need to be done by Congress, and it will be up to us to move them in the right direction.


Here’s an article worth the read:


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